Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three Tools for Successful Lead Generation

Successful lead generation is one of those things that will lead almost any business to massive success when implemented properly. However, it can often be hard to ensure that you have all the tools and resources you need in house to do your own lead generation. So, many people turn to outside tools that will help make lead generation a bit easier. But, which tools and resources are going to provide the most benefit for your time and money? Here are three quick examples of what you can do to get started:

Branding Tools

Anything that helps you brand your company more successfully is going to be a major tool in lead generation. After all, if a lead is contacted and hears that a company named ABC Enterprises wants to discuss their product with them, their first question is "Who is ABC enterprises?" and their second question is "Why should I care?" They receive dozens of these calls a week and they have no desire to be bothered. By building a recognizable and respected brand, you can enjoy a much better reception during lead generation.

Building Effective Lists

Lead generation cannot be random, nor can it be done without the full support of a dedicated team. For this reason, many companies choose to outsource lead generation to a third party that knows what kinds of leads are best and which ones will convert better. They can develop scripts, use professionals for first contact and ensure that your list of prospective leads is as accurate and likely to convert as possible.

Providing Value

The last tool and probably the least tangible of any tool or resource you can use for lead generation is to build value into your generation techniques. This means that if you are doing cold calls from your office to generate leads, what benefits do potential leads get in answering and talking on the phone? This might come in the form of extra information about your product, an expert to discuss their problems with or some incentive to draw them into your company. Whatever you choose to use as your bait, lead generation is always much more effective when there is a catch to draw someone in with.

Lead generation is a tough process, especially for anyone that has not spent a great deal of time and money setting up a department and training employees in the processes required to effectively create and build leads. For this reason, you need to be sure that what tools you are using are the best possible ones around.

There are many options in this regard. While the tips above are going to get you further in your lead generation processes, the truly best way to go about it is to ensure that whoever is generating leads knows what they are doing. This might be an outside firm with a great deal of experience in handling lead generation or an internal hire that is trained and dedicated to the process. In either case, it is vital that whoever is doing the work knows their job well and is capable of dynamically generating leads at all times.


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